Burbank Criminal Record Expungement
We offers criminal expungement legal services to all residents in Burbank, California, and we are one of the very few law offices in California to concentrate completely on criminal record cleaning laws. At present a huge majority of Burbank companies that are hiring are now making use of economical and quick digital background checks into their hiring practices, therefore having a criminal history will in most cases disqualify you from obtaining the job. Fortunately there are regulations in California that allow us to submit a petition with the local Burbank courthouse asking them to clear your criminal history. If the motion is approved you then can state, with complete truthfulness, that you have never been convicted of a criminal offense previously. Getting your criminal record expunged will necessarily make you considerably more marketable in the Burbank employment marketplace. Our law firm only has one specialization and that's California criminal expungement law. This allows us to provide you with specialized legal services at the absolute lowest guaranteed set costs. We provide a no-obligation no cost criminal expungement eligibility test wherein you merely answer a handful of multiple choice questions and we will advise you of the criminal record clearing service that most applies to your particular circumstances.
Burbank Criminal Record Clearing Lawyer
We proudly provide expungement services to all resident of Burbank City. We pride ourselves on helping our clients expunge their criminal records, enabling them to go into the future with honesty and confidence. We guarantee that a lawyer, who is a criminal expungement specialist, will work on your case from start to finish, and he will diligently strive to generate a favorable final result for you and your family. We really feel privileged that you have taken the time to browse our website, and we would be genuinely grateful to help you with your criminal record clearing matter.
David Huffman, Esq.
Founding Attorney, Fresh Start Law Center
- prepare initial motion
- Provide legal advice
- conduct legal research
- Attorney evaluation of case
- Prepare supporting evidence
- serVE prosecuting attorney
- file motion with the court
- Pay court costs
- Pay filling fees
- Schedulate hearing
- Rospond to D.A. opposition
- Attend required court hearing
- Argue case at hearing
- Refile if necessary
- CAse follow-up with you
- Help Prepare initial motion