Chino Hills Criminal Record Expungement
Our broad array of criminal record clearing services are offered to each individual Chino Hills resident. Seeing that a large majority of Chino Hills companies are executing criminal history checks as an element of the job application procedure, why take a risk with your ability to earn an income if you possess a criminal record. Fortunately the state legislature of California has dealt with the problem and has approved laws and regulations that makes it possible for us to petition the local Chino Hills courthouse in an attempt to have your previous convictions expunged from your permanent criminal file. If the motion is granted you will have the ability to assert, with absolute candor, that you do not have any prior criminal convictions and your modified criminal record will reinforce this claim. Here at Fresh Start Law Center we are conscious of how daunting it can be to locate work in Chino Hills, however you will emerge as a lot more viable job prospect as soon as you take the steps required to expunge your criminal record. Contrary to other law offices, we exclusively work with California criminal record expungement laws, permitting us to provide you with knowledgeable and experienced expungement services at super low fixed prices. Check out our totally free criminal record clearing eligibility test below. Just answer a couple multiple choice questions and it will let you know which Chino Hills record clearing legal service best suits your needs.
Chino Hills Criminal Record Clearing Attorney
Fresh Start Law Center has helped many individuals in Chino Hills to obtain a fresh start on their life. I had one objective when I started this law firm - to assist individuals put their past behind them for good so that they can move forward and thoroughly embrace a much more positive future. We guarantee that an attorney, who is a criminal expungement specialist, will work on your case from start to finish, and he will diligently strive to generate a beneficial outcome for you and your family. We would like to thank you for taking a few minutes to contemplate our criminal expungement services, and we are excited to help you forget about the past and embrace your future.
David Huffman, Esq.
Founding Attorney, Fresh Start Law Center
- prepare initial motion
- Provide legal advice
- conduct legal research
- Attorney evaluation of case
- Prepare supporting evidence
- serVE prosecuting attorney
- file motion with the court
- Pay court costs
- Pay filling fees
- Schedulate hearing
- Rospond to D.A. opposition
- Attend required court hearing
- Argue case at hearing
- Refile if necessary
- CAse follow-up with you
- Help Prepare initial motion