Visalia Criminal Record Clearing
Fresh Start Law Center provide our criminal expungement services to all of Visalia. These days a large majority of Visalia companies that are hiring are now integrating inexpensive and simple electronic background checks into their hiring practices, therefore having a criminal history will in most cases disqualify you from acquiring the job. On the plus side there are laws in California that allow us to submit a motion with the local Visalia courthouse requesting that they expunge your criminal history. When the motion is granted you then can declare that you have never ever been convicted of a crime before. Getting your criminal record cleaned will definitely make you a great deal more marketable in the Visalia job marketplace. As opposed to other law offices, we solely tackle California criminal record expungement laws, making it possible for us to provide you with professional and skilled expungement services at super low set prices. We provide a no strings attached totally free criminal expungement eligibility test whereby you just answer a couple of multiple choice questions and we will inform you of our criminal record clearing service that most pertains to your unique circumstances.
Visalia Criminal Expungement Lawyer
We offer a wide selection of criminal expungement legal services to all of Visalia. I had one objective when I started this law firm - to assist people put their past behind them once and for all so that they can move forward and thoroughly embrace a more positive future. From the second you sign up with us a knowledgeable and experienced criminal record clearing attorney will handle your court case from start to finish. We would like to thank you for taking a few minutes to contemplate our criminal expungement services, and we are excited to help you forget the past and embrace your future.
David Huffman, Esq.
Founding Attorney, Fresh Start Law Center
- prepare initial motion
- Provide legal advice
- conduct legal research
- Attorney evaluation of case
- Prepare supporting evidence
- serVE prosecuting attorney
- file motion with the court
- Pay court costs
- Pay filling fees
- Schedulate hearing
- Rospond to D.A. opposition
- Attend required court hearing
- Argue case at hearing
- Refile if necessary
- CAse follow-up with you
- Help Prepare initial motion